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Get published typebot

Get published typebot

Path Parameters
typebotId string REQUIRED

Successful response

publishedTypebot object
id string
version string

Possible values: [3, 4, 5]

createdAt date-time
updatedAt date-time
typebotId string
groups object[]
id string
title string
graphCoordinates object
x number
y number
blocks undefined[]
edges object[]
id string
from object
groupId string
blockId string
itemId string
to object
groupId string
blockId string
variables object[]
id string
name string
theme object
general object
font string
background object
type string

Possible values: [Color, Image, None]

content string
chat object
hostAvatar object
isEnabled boolean
url string
guestAvatar object
isEnabled boolean
url string
hostBubbles object
backgroundColor string
color string
guestBubbles object
backgroundColor string
color string
buttons object
backgroundColor string
color string
inputs object
backgroundColor string
color string
placeholderColor string
roundness string

Possible values: [none, medium, large]

customCss string
settings object
general object
isBrandingEnabled boolean
isTypingEmulationEnabled boolean
isInputPrefillEnabled boolean
isHideQueryParamsEnabled boolean
isNewResultOnRefreshEnabled boolean
rememberUser object
isEnabled boolean
storage string

Possible values: [session, local]

typingEmulation object
enabled boolean
speed number
maxDelay number
metadata object
title string
description string
imageUrl string
favIconUrl string
customHeadCode string
googleTagManagerId string
whatsApp object
credentialsId string
startCondition object
logicalOperator string

Possible values: [OR, AND]

comparisons object[]
id string
comparisonOperator string

Possible values: [Equal to, Not equal, Contains, Does not contain, Greater than, Less than, Is set, Is empty, Starts with, Ends with, Matches regex, Does not match regex]

value string

Error response

message string
code string
issues object[]
message string